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Let's get personal - dashboards done your way

There’s always a lot going on in an agency (something you’re probably well aware of!). Each team and each individual within the team is an important cog in the agency machine, coming together as a whole to deliver amazing projects to clients.

But sometimes you don’t want to know what the whole machine is doing. Sometimes you just want to see your own work, have your own focus and do things your way. And with Synergist’s personal dashboards, you can do just that...


A clear overview of your jobs and info

Your personal dashboard is your own at-a-glance area, so it’s not visible to anyone else in the company. This means you can get a quick view of what’s going on in your own working world without the clutter of the rest of the company.

The At a glance tiles give you a quick summary of areas that are key to your role and act as a shortcut to the specific information. These have a colour coding to make it simple to see what’s what.

The Timesheet summary displays your 'Required hours' and 'Target (chargeable) hours' alongside the actual time logged over the past four weeks.

The Calendar summary displays your schedule for today, this week, or next week and allows you to view job details and access your full calendar.

The Expenses summary provides an overview of the status of your expense sheets.


Making it personal to you

Your At a glance tiles can be a lot more ‘personal’ with tailored tile views that mean easy access to the numbers and better reporting. Something that looks a bit like this:

Everyone can have the standard tiles on their dashboard, you create tiles for different user groups, and individuals can add their own custom views.

For instance, you could create a company group for everyone, a management group specifically for the leadership team, and then various other groups for finance, client services, resource management, new business, etc. People can belong to multiple groups. This makes it easier to manage and share information with different teams within the agency.

To create new tiles, you simply go to the page/list with the data you want to display, filter the data to show the data you want to see, click on the Views button, and save the view. You will then have the option to display the view on your personal dashboard, and you can choose to show a summarised count or value on the tile. Depending on your permissions, you can save the view on just your own dashboard or save it for other user groups too.

The advanced filtering options enable you to customise your views and choose the data that's displayed, helping you to get just the data you’re looking for. For example, any clients without an invoice in the past year. This allows you to use your tiles dynamically, flowing the data into its own groups. In this instance, lapsed clients could go into your new business group, giving them good visibility of the landscape and enabling them to make strategic decisions about each client.

Top tip: If you filter the data by ‘current user’ each individual's tile will just show their data. This is a great feature as you can tailor exactly what you want your teams to see without having to keep creating separate lists for them. For example, you could just show them their jobs, clients or timesheets.


In summary...

Customising and personalising your dashboards, tiles and views is a fantastic way to streamline the amount of data you see (or your teams see). This helps to avoid overwhelm and complacency, where people might assume that things are ‘not for them’. Knowing that the right data and reports are in the right groups and tiles being seen by the right people is a dynamic way to own your data... and make it work as hard as you do.