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Turn your data into business insights

From top-level insights to highly detailed data, Synergist's advanced analytics tool makes it easy to uncover exactly what’s happening in your agency.

Build insightful custom reports and charts

Unlock the full power of your data using the Data Viewer tool in Synergist. Summarise, analyse, explore and present your data - it's like having your own integrated PivotTable tool!

  • Report on your chosen data using sophisticated data filters and date ranges

  • Add multiple data fields, organise into columns or rows, cross-tab fields to compare variables

  • Use calculations, including additions, subtractions, divisions and percentage calculations, to show the exact data you want to see in your report

  • View data in tables or interactive charts to easily see comparisons, patterns and trends

  • Create ad hoc reports when needed – for a meeting, a decision, or a deep dive – or save them for ongoing insights

Create custom dashboards for your team

Build high-level dashboards for your leadership team, or set up specific dashboards for team members to track important metrics.

  • Combine multiple reports or charts into custom dashboards, using the drag-and-drop function to customise the layout

  • Change views for different groups based on needs or roles and set up reports so users only see the relevant data, such as their clients or jobs

  • Keep private data secure with advanced reporting permissions

The detail of the data that’s available and the fact it’s live data is brilliant. This data will help to guide our future strategy of where to focus.

Image of Zoe Wyles
Zoe Wyles Finance and HR Director, CWA

See these features in action

Share real-time insights quickly

Give everyone the data and insights they need at their fingertips.

  • Email reports directly from Synergist to yourself or multiple people on your team

  • Export data as a CSV or Excel pivot-ready file

  • Download charts in different image formats or as PDFs

  • Schedule regular reports to be emailed to an individual or distribution group. Define the frequency, days, time and format

  • Feed report data into your other systems using our API

Agency guides

Agency management intelligence

Business analysis often skips the to-do list, especially when you're too busy working in your business (the fun stuff). But you could be missing out on a game-changer.

Make decisions with confidence

Let the data drive your decision making, with built-in reporting, dashboards and analytics.

  • Access a suite of ready-made reports and dashboards to help you improve your agency’s performance and profitability

  • Create custom reports to dig deeper into the data. Synergist lets you analyse a range of components, including revenue, costs, profit, utilisation, capacity, opportunities and activities

  • Add custom fields for a highly comprehensive picture

  • Get all the data and insights you need to drive your agency forward in the right – and most profitable – direction