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How Splashdown replaced paper to drive profits with Synergist

Splashdown are a multi-disciplined graphic design agency specialising in the beauty and fragrance industry and luxury lifestyle brands.

Splashdown knew that growth meant their paper-based systems were becoming untenable. They sought a system which could reflect their existing ways of working with minimal disruption, at the same time improving accuracy and profitability. They found Synergist ticked every box...

Agency type: Graphic design

Services: Design & print, packaging, branding, outdoor, merchandising

Size: 2-10 people

Location: West London

Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan Wilson
Former Account Director at Splashdown

Synergist makes seeing the bigger picture even easier. It has given us a better insight into our business and what we do.

The problem

Time-consuming practices impacting accuracy

Splashdown had long been operating using a paper-based system. But as they grew, managing all the paperwork proved to be increasingly time-consuming and laborious and they knew it was probably not hugely accurate.

“More than 20 years down the line, there was a lot of paper. The time came when we had so many jobs going through that we wanted to make sure we were monitoring job flow, time and purchasing more effectively.” 

They also hoped to find a system that would increase their profitability. Splashdown looked at three different companies and decided to go with Synergist.

They were keen to purchase a solution that would quite closely mirror the way they were used to working. 

The solution

An adapatable and integrated system

Synergist has helped the agency increase profitability and they’ve found they’re now recording time, materials and expenses more accurately.

“Synergist had the features we needed, and the cost was right.” 

"Given the agency-wide impact of a new system, the team required a solution which was integrated and adaptable to existing workflows.”

And although only small costs were missed before, now nothing slips through the net. “We’re billing the time we spend and the materials we use more accurately.”

It has made life easier and I know we’re making more profit on every job than we did before.

Image of Jonathan Wilson
Jonathan Wilson Account Director, Splashdown

The return

Clear visibility and increased profits

Splashdown now have more information to help them assess jobs. 

“We can look at a job and see where we are versus budget. We can also see what we’ve spent and what we’re likely to spend.”

The actual switch-over was completed in just three days, resulting in very little disruption. 

Synergist has proved to be an excellent choice for Splashdown and has helped make an already successful agency even more profitable.