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How to grow your agency by empowering your team...

Your agency is pretty much the sum of its parts. Which means getting the right team in place is a must. Not rocket science. But while each member of your team might be brilliant in their own individual field, there can be some areas they’re less confident or competent in. This is where agency managers can upskill to brilliant effect, helping to boost morale, increase commercial knowhow and keep the agency on a profitable path. 

Here, we’ll look at some areas for team empowerment that can help to facilitate this.

Increased commercial awareness

Your teams are working hard. The stuff they’re producing is top quality. So why is your agency still losing money?

One reason could be a lack of commercial awareness. Something that many creatives haven’t been trained on... because they’re creatives. But giving them more knowledge and understanding about the true impact of their input into the agency can be transformative. 

They realise, probably for the first time, the contribution they’re making to the company's success and growth.

Once someone grasps that they are personally responsible for a piece of the success of the agency itself, rather than simply working on a project, their mindset usually changes fast. They get a clearer understanding of every aspect of the job, which can be quite illuminating. 

Better decision making

You know your people are smart. They’re great at what they do. But how can they make the right decisions if they’re not well informed? It’s difficult to navigate in the dark, no matter how hard working or clever you are.

And what about the speed of those decisions? To be able to increase both quality and speed of decisions at the same time is pretty much the holy grail of team empowerment. Giving your people the data to drive their decision making in the right direction puts you one step closer to achieving this.

Removing reliance on instinct

Actually, there’s a lot to be said for gut instinct... sometimes. But probably not when it comes down to your agency’s profits. 

Here, you need to take away the hunches and replace them with decisions directed by data. Trying to grow your agency based around some raw good luck and reliance on sixth sense is risky business. Give your team the data to back up their judgement and leave the gut instinct for the creative work. 

Reducing bottlenecks

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting wating (and waiting) to be able to take up your reins in a project but you need someone else to do their bit first. Or you’re the one holding everyone up. 
Being the one sitting on data (or waiting for it to be updated) is frustrating and unproductive. Using an agency management system means everyone can see everything, in real time. No more bottlenecks. 

Accelerating careers

Upskilling your teams can have personal benefits as well as those to the wider agency. Increased confidence and commercial knowhow adds a huge amount of value to a job role. Understanding how profitability works gives an individual the foundations to be a good leader. 
Watching individual team members grow is a joy for any agency leader. And it means that instead of constantly recruiting externally, they can promote from within. A win-win situation. 

Synergist gives you the tools and training you need to empower your teams and boost their understanding of how all aspects of an agency works, not just their own little corner. In turn, this can transform the whole culture of your agency. 

Instead of brilliant people working exclusively in their own talent pond, you create an entire pool rich with expertise. Everyone swimming in the same direction. And all leading to a much more profitable place...